Writing assignment - 9º

Hey 9th grade girls!

On this post, I propose that we share what problems we see in our school (or classroom) and also, what could be a possible solutions to these problems! Don't forget at the end to say "Thank you" for blessings you receive!


Sor Cris


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  2. Hi,Sor Yomaira
    We are writting about various aspects of school,that we think should to get better for feel great.
    Firstly, we do not agree with some rules as the uniform,because gala uniform is very uncomfortable,as we feel very uncomfortable to play sports at recess, Uniform wearing limits one of these ways of expressing ourselves;because the uniform has to be worn in its original form of every person.We propuse a new solution for this problems,go of physical education and in some occasions to wear the uniform of gala only for the important events or sometimes to come of clothes and in the daysof week to use physical education.
    Secondly,we think about that should change the horary because start to study very early,so that we should start late of the normal,so get out more early and that the breaks are longer.
    We give thanks for Every thing they have taught us, and for the values they instill in us day by day, For giving us a large space that allows us to have a very good environment, to listen and enjoy nature.

    Amalia Cardona
    Estefania Gomez

  3. Problem of school.
    Dear Sor Yomaira,
    We are writing to make known some problems and solutions about the institution to Improve the school environment and take into account the ideas of the students.
    Firstly, we are have the inconformity from the hour of the entry and exit to the school, because everything we are arrived at our houses very late, with jobs large and very tired, but the solution is entry more early (6am) for able get out faster (1:30pm)
    Secondly, we are believe that the school must have the ideas to the students in account, for example with the free expression in dying hair and paint the nails, the solution for this problem respect preferences and leave them
    the same we are give thank you, because you are the person that we are help in the all moment, do that all be possibility in our life, we are to show new things, you are take for road of the good to go with Mary and Jesus always, in the end thanks for your attention and love for yours students.
    -Nine grade, Sara López and Marcela Méndez.

  4. We want to be more united.

    The purpose the text is arrive the solution of the grades have more unión between them.
    The frienship have an important value in their growth as people.
    The problema can be seen reflected in the time of the conflicts that appear in each room and the Little help that each person does not see offered. Also at the time of sharing momento in group you see the disunion and the Little joy. The solution is to do more group activities, coexistence or moments that make us feel in a group.

    On the other hand, we thank the community for having provided us with sufficient aid and have always been at our side to help us grow as people and, above all, as good citizens.

    We have the opportunity to have good spaces for our school environment both infomatic classrooms, classrooms and more spaces that let us express ourselves freely.

    Vanessa Martínez
    Valeria Ramírez

  5. Dear Sor Yomaira
    Of all of the estudents

    In this text we will talk about the lack of free expression , this is a thing that we need to express because we are tennagers and each has its different form of dress, speak, and act and this need to be respect for others and example of this is the tatoos and pircings this is a problem of the person and is bher body and his skinny . Other problem are
    the form of the nails and the dye hair or accesories like Bracelets ,Necklaces. This is a part of the personality of the person and this need to be respect.

    A possible solution of this problems are accept as we are ,because this does not affect the way of studying

    we thank to the school for bring the opportunity to be best level academic , for bring the oportunity to have a best future

    Laura Rodriguez
    Manuela Martinez

  6. Dear Sor Yomaira,
    I am writing to complain about various aspects to improve of the school.
    First of all, we want a change in our school seats, to have a better comfort in classrooms, because these already present certain deteriorations that do not generate a good atmosphere. As a solution we offer that for half of years, after vacations several activities are presented where you can collect money for this cause.
    As a second, we want a change in the time of the second break, because we present nonconformity, since the rest time presented is not enough. We offer two solutions: The first, that the good days are done in a certain time, and so add at least 5 minutes to the second descending, and the second would be cut the seventh hour, because this is a full hour.
    Finally, we would like to thank the school and all the educators for fostering a Salesian spirit and spirit in us, and we also appreciate all the insights learned in the years taken, as they have made us good Christians and honest citizens.
    Our best wishes,
    Mariana Alzate y Camila Salazar.
    Nine grade.

    To: Sor Yomaira
    From: Maria Clara Montoya and Elizabeth Ramirez.

    In the following text we will talk about what are the problems that are presented to us in the school and the solutions or purposes that we can offer. The problems in our school are not missing but two of these problems are: to improve classrooms and to promote and environment for the study.

    Improve classrooms as they are tight spots and can encourage disorder and indiscipline. We propose that each student contribute with a monthly money to make this improvement in the classrooms and to be able to improve the hours of study in a wide and free space.

    The second problem is that in the recess there is very little encouragement in the students, so we propose to do more playful activities such as games, dances, and that students can bring something for fun.

    We thank the school because it taught us many good things that help us to grow as people, to improve our way of speaking, thinking and expanding our know.
    Also thank to our teachers, because they help us to get better always.

  8. Dear Sister Yomaira, The purpose of this letter is to make known our disagreements and problems about the school, and a suitable solution.

    We believe that in school there must be FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION as this is necessary in the lives of young people for their emotional development. And it is stated in the coexistence manual and must be fulfilled and that this is a norm.

    We believe that a good solution to this problem is to talk to the meeting board so that they fulfill this necessary form and that they comply with the others.

    Thank you for the quality of the education that allows us to the students, for the Salesian spirit, and to form every day for being: good Christians and honest citizens.

    Maria Fernanda Tobón
    Sofía Jaramillo.

  9. Dear Sister Yomaira, The purpose of this letter is to make known our disagreements and problems about the school, and a suitable solution.

    We believe that in school there must be FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION as this is necessary in the lives of young people for their emotional development. And it is stated in the coexistence manual and must be fulfilled and that this is a norm.

    We believe that a good solution to this problem is to talk to the meeting board so that they fulfill this necessary form and that they comply with the others.

    Thank you for the quality of the education that allows us to the students, for the Salesian spirit, and to form every day for being: good Christians and honest citizens.

    Maria Fernanda Tobón
    Sofía Jaramillo.

    FROM: Marcela Osorio- Juana Buitrago
    TO: Sister Yomaira, Maux School

    Dear Sister Yomaira,
    In this letter we want to let you know about some problems we saw in our school and that we want to bring a solution, we hope you understand and receive our proposals.

    In first place, the car traffic at the entry of the school is very boring and make a chaos at the hour of the arrival and some students come late at cause of these. In our opinion, we want to find a solution like make bigger the gate or elaborate other way for the cars that come and the cars that go. If the money isn’t enough, you can contract a traffic guard.

    Secondly, the service at the cafeteria every day is very slow and the girls have to wait too many time there to be attended. Like a solution, organize better the lines could be a great option, or have more personal may solve these problem.

    We hope you understand and receive our petitions, to make better our dear and pretty school. We value everything you do for Maux, what is very important. Thank you so much.

    With respect, Marcela and Juana- Nineth grade.

  11. Writing
    Dear Sister Yomaira.
    We are writing to speak about the two problems that have the school
    Firstly, We think that the store is something very important for the school and all the people make use of it so we thought it should be bigger since it does not have the necessary space for dining
    A good solution to this problem may be to buy more tables and chairs and put them all over the place so that people can feel better
    Secondly, We also believe that There should be more precautions at the time of entry and exit of the cars in the day of study
    A possible solution to this problem may be that the cars can’t travel inside the school
    Finally, We must thank the school for the remodeling it is doing to the theater and other places of the school
    I look forward to hearing from you

  12. Dear Sor Yomaira
    By means of this letter, we want to express some nonconformities that we have seen in the school Maria Auxiliadora but also to arrive with you to some solutions so that everything improves.
    Firstly, we think that sometimes all was became routine and this is bored for the students, to improve this can make more playful, more rides, walks and change learning methods, for the students learn in a more fun way.
    Secondly, here limit free speech, to solve the problem you can let us be ourselves, because the aspect physical do not influence in the way of thinking nor learning.
    This is our opinion, but we respect the decision you make against this.
    Thanks for have the school in good conditions, for have an excellent education, for help to become good people and for all that offer us.

    -Ana María Arias Castro
    -Chahira Ospina Ocampo

    1. To: Sor Yomaira
      From: Valeria González Cardona and Natalia Calle Franco

      Making our school a better place
      Mrs Yomaira
      We want to write this letter to do a proposal to make better our school because we´ve seen some problems that can be solved with effort and dedication.
      The school María Auxiliadora is one of the best in Antioquia, for that we can´t stop getting better. One of the biggest needs we have is our library: It´s appearance makes it be seeing bored and there´s no diversity if we are talking about books. Seeing this problem we want to propose a remodeling of this space to make it ours and nicer. Another one is our bathrooms, so we want to make them more hygienic.
      We want to thank all the people that makes part of this comunity, and especially what you´ve done for us.

  13. Dear Sor Yomaira
    We are writing you because we want you to know what are some of the problems that we can see in our school, so whit this we can work together and give some solutions.
    We think that one of the biggest problems in our school is that we never use the chemistry and physical labs.You can see that this places are really big and necessary for our learning.The school can start fixing it changing the tables and chairs of these labs ,something that saves more space ,because you can´t walk in these places.The solution for this problem can be that all of the students can help to recollect money and help with this big problem for a good of ourselves.
    Another problem is the computer room because we have to share all the computers ,and sometimes it is not good for us because we distract with our parners,and some works need to be separated .And also the room is very small for a lot of students .The solution is to make some proyects to recollect money (for example a bazaar)so wit this money we can buy more computers
    But not everything is problems , we have thank school for everything they´ve done for us ,have the school clean and keep it beautiful for all of us.
    We don’t have words for everything you guys have done ,our excellent way of being humans is because of this school.
    Valeria Correa
    Paula Lopez
    Andrea Garcia

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