Who do you admire?

Hey 10th grade girls (Prom 2018)! In this post, I invite you to share something about yourself!

Who do you admire?
1. Introduce the person
2. Tell us some important facts about him/her
3. Tell us: Why do you admire him/her? (include what you want to imitate or follow of the person).

Here are some ideas!


  1. Michelle Obama

    She was born on January 17, 1964 in Illinois. Is an American lawyer, wife of the forty-fourth President of the United States, Barack Obama. She was the first lady of the United States between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017, being the only African American woman in her country in history.

    He worked as a planning and development assistant at Chicago City Hall, Founded Chicago Public Allies an AmeriCorps program that prepares young people for public service, where she assumed the position of executive director and as first lady, visited hostels and soup kitchens.
    Was the first black woman to be first lady of the United States.

    She is a very intelligent woman, who helps people and always looks for the best side of things and I admire her because she is a good woman, wife and mother who helped positively to the decisions of the President of the United States, Mr. Barak Obama.

    By: Maria Luisa Valencia Echeverri

  2. He was born on December 17, 1936 in the neighborhood of Flores, Buenos Aires in the bosom of a modest family. The son of a railroad employee of Piedmontese origin, Mario Bergoglio, and Regina María Sívori, a housewife. He has four brothers and sisters. His father emigrated to Argentina from the Italian region of Piedmont.

     He was a novice master at Villa Barilari in San Miguel, a professor at the Faculty of Theology, a consultant in the Province of the Society of Jesus, and also Rector of the College, was elected Provincial of the Jesuits of Argentina, a task that he performed for six years. President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference for two periods at the age of 75, presented his resignation as Archbishop, but Pope Benedict XVI did not accept it.

    He is a simple man, austere, low profile but energetic preaching, courageous defender of life, is a person who always keeps his faith in God, with his attitudes always wants the best for all people and with his deeds always try To send us the best that God wants to tell us.
    By: María Fernanda Ospina Ramirez

    The person I admire the most is my mom, because she is a beautiful women, her favorite color is black and white, her favorite food is meat with French fries, her hobby is watch TV and listen to music.
    She from in La Ceja, she was born on June 29, 1966. She is 50 years old, she has a twin call Magnolia, the other brothers and sisters are Luceny, Ramiro, Sergio, Angela and Esneider. Her father and mother died 35 years ago. My mom studied in college Maria Auxiliadora, where she finished her studies, then she began to work in the bank “Bancolombia” in which it continues at now, been there for 3 years.
    I admire her because is a person with many values, she is intelligen, brave, simple, patient, persistent, loving, fulfills everything she proposes and other. Thanks to her I have all my values because she has taught me all, for me she is the best people in the world, I don’t have words to describe the wonderful it is, I hope she never leaves my life and I love her.

    by: Maria Jose Carmona

  4. One of the people i most admire is my paternal grandfather because that way you have to live the rest of your sight sick, always shows your side more yoyful to impide us to live life in the best way.
    This person has been very important in my life because he has given me many teachings about life and advice to be better every dat person
    ● My grandfather is 70 years old.
    ●When he was 66 years old he suffered a serious illnes.
    ●Has 3 sons ( 2 women and a man).
    ●What he has liked since he was an excellent teacher of mathematics.
    ●He likes to eat sweets a lot.
    ●Was born in Caramanta, Antioquia.
    ●Lived in a very large family.

    One of the most important people for my family and specially for my grandfather has been my paternal grandmother because she has helped him in his illnes and has been his greatest support.


    the person that i admire very much is my mom, because she has learned many things, is the person that i can trust like a friends, parther and the mom with i don't have secrets and is the person that help me to continue in the difficults moments of my life.
    On September 7, 1973 she is born and turns into the higher one of five brothers. I study and I finish its baccalaureate in the school Maria auxiliadora of the ceja she did studies of accounting, married my dad at the age of 21 she is an enterprising woman, responsable.of this marriage they had 3 children of which they extracted them to ahead and she accompanies them in every moment of his life be good or be bad.
    I admire her for that it has taught me to fight for what I want, in the hard and difficult moments of my life it has supported me and encourages me to go out to front .I think as she does not have any mother for me is the best.
    BY: Valeria cuartas lopez

  6. Laura Montoya Upegui
    As a young woman, Laura Montoya Upegui, of Jerico, Colombia, became an elementary schoolteacher to help support her widowed mother. Having developed her spiritual life through devotion to the Eucharist and meditation upon the Scriptures, Laura felt drawn to the religious life of the Discalced Carmelites. Yet her zeal also instilled in her a longing for an active, missionary apostolate, particularly to assist the Indian peoples of South America. Laura was determined to combat the anti-Indian bigotry in her society, and to give her own life to the Indians' evangelization. Finally, at the age of forty, having resolved to "become an Indian with the Indians to win them all for Christ," Laura journeyed to Dabeiba with four other women to begin a religious congregation devoted to the service of the Indians, the Missionaries of Mary Immaculate and Saint Catherine of Siena. As mother superior, she imparted to the congregation a rule that combined contemplation with action. After having spent the last nine years of her life confined to a wheelchair, Mother Laura died on October 21, 1949.
    I admire laura because she is a fighter woman, who is full of love and kindness, she was able to leave the worldly goods to live a life helping others. That's something i admire a lot

    BY:Sara Moreno Moncada

  7. Natalia Pino
    The person i admire is my mom, she is very intelligent and is a woman beautiful that loves her job because help at his personal growth,loves to cook, and loves the dogs in special to bruno.

    She was born in Medellín the 13 may in 1985, she has a one brother, his father and his mother are separate more than 10 years ago, when she was small lived in Concepción where was born his brother. Afther the family visited several municipalities because his father was a police officer, visited several municipalities as: Granada, Caralina del principe, jardín, and finally in La Ceja whare lived for almost 10 years; My mom studied in los leones, then returned to Medellín and fineshed his studies in Santo Domingo savio, going to tecnologico de antioquia
    she began to work in La camara de comercio, medellín; after from there to Comfama where is currently working 10 years ago.

    I admire her because has achieved big things in his life, also she has taught me that one has to learn a happy being despite the bad times, she has taught me all my values, and every day makes me a better person for humanity.

    By: Valentina Henao

  8. The person I admire the most is my mom Alba Nubia Ocampo, because for me is the best mom, is the person more important in my life and because she is light for all the people that she have around.
    She was born on August two in La Ceja, her favorite color is orange, she is very helpful, loving, responsible, humble, she married with Hernán Darío Patiño and with him she had a daughter.
    I admire she because she is a person with a big heart, because she began to work at her ten years old, and she had a very difficult childhood, but all of this and all the problems that she had never stop her to arrive her goals.
    I want like she do, help all the people who need me without waiting for something return and that never obstacle for more big that it can do may stop me.

    By: Milena Patiño Ocampo.

  9. He is a medical world famous Colombian immunologist has done his major contribution to the field of Immunology and Virology the achievement of a synthetic vaccine for the sickness of malaria.Also he contributed in important studies of lupus, leukemia, tuberculosis, leprosy and rheumatic fever, among other diseases.He was born in Ataco, Department of Tolima, Colombia on 3 November of 1949. His University studies were in National University of Colombia to study medicine. When he graduated in 1970, he concentrated only to the investigation in different institutions, both in their country and in differents parts of the world, like as Sweden and USA.

    In 1983 had a significate step in the obtaining a vaccine that contrarrestase the actions of malaria, a disease that is transmitted by the bites of mosquitoes, particularly in tropical and subtropical zones of the Asian, African and American continents. The vaccine was used in experimental way and achieved satisfactory results, fact that would provoke a fight between pharmaceutical companies to obtain the vaccine. Despite the incredibles bids received, he was decided to donate the vaccine to the World Health Organization (WHO) with the only condition that its production and marketing are known in their country. For this amazing action he recived numerous awards and recognition of world public opinion. Nowadays he directs importants research in the Foundation Institute of Immunology of Colombia, over so many activities related to the research, such as for example the of Professor of the Centre for the development of synthetic vaccines from WHO.

    I admire him because is a espectacular man, Thanks to his investigation he saved million children in the world, is a real hero, is a excellent investigator that made history in he medicine and to be continued surprising whit his inventions and saving lifes.

    BY: Lisa Espinosa.

  10. I admire NATALIE PORTMAN. she was born on June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem. she is an actress, director, producer and psychologist.she is famous because of the way she act at her roles and her natural performances.

    she is very recognized in the world and in her field because she was won the four most important awards: the bafta award, the golden globe, the academy award and the SAG award. her most famous movies are the black swan , star wars and jackie. while she was working in star wars she got into Harvard University to study psycologhy and she got her diploma at 2003 . she speaks perfectly hebrew and english. and she has study spanish, german and french.

    i admire Natalie since the first moment i saw her acting, because she makes you think that you are seeing a real moment with a natural reaction and you can see that she is doing her job with passion and effert. also i love the fact that she study even tough that she was very bussy and also she studies other languages. definetly i would like to be like her!!! i would be very happy if i discover that i am that kind of talentous i would be so happy and gratefull with got for that special gift.

  11. The person that i most admire is Lebron James. He was born on December 30, 1984. When he born, his mom was 16 years and his dad abandoned them for problems with the alcohol. His mom did the possible for get ahead but they were very poor and they didn't have a place to live.
    He played in games of his school at the age of 14 and when he was 18 years, he had his first contact with the NBA.
    He as able to get ahead despite all the difficulties and now he is one of the best basketball players in the NBA, he has won the MVP (Most valuable player) four times and with the ability to play in all 3 basketball positions.
    I admire him because he had many problems in his childhood and despite this, he never gave up and now he is very famous and his fame doesn`t make him feel more than others players.
    I want to imitate his positivism in a dificult moment, his way to play and his humble way of being.
    By: Sara María García Ocampo

  12. Laura Montoya Upegui
    As a young woman, Laura Montoya Upegui, of Jerico, Colombia, became an elementary schoolteacher to help support her widowed mother. Having developed her spiritual life through devotion to the Eucharist and meditation upon the Scriptures, Laura felt drawn to the religious life of the Discalced Carmelites. Yet her zeal also instilled in her a longing for an active, missionary apostolate, particularly to assist the Indian peoples of South America. Laura was determined to combat the anti-Indian bigotry in her society, and to give her own life to the Indians' evangelization. Finally, at the age of forty, having resolved to "become an Indian with the Indians to win them all for Christ," Laura journeyed to Dabeiba with four other women to begin a religious congregation devoted to the service of the Indians, the Missionaries of Mary Immaculate and Saint Catherine of Siena. As mother superior, she imparted to the congregation a rule that combined contemplation with action. After having spent the last nine years of her life confined to a wheelchair, Mother Laura died on October 21, 1949.
    I admire laura because she is a fighter woman, who is full of love and kindness, she was able to leave the worldly goods to live a life helping others. That's something i admire a lot

    BY:Sara Moreno Moncada

  13. Nick Vujicic is a person who was born without limbs and had many difficulties in his childhood for this disability, one of them suffering harassment and for a long time without being able to do mony things. Despite his disability as he grew older he realized that it was a great Inspiration for many other people around, so he created an organizaton for people with this some disability called "Life without Limbs".
    In 1982 on December 4 born Nicholas James Vujicic in Brisbane, Australia with syndrome of tretra- amelia Nick born without legs or arms, only has a little formation of the left side. He thought he would never have a wife and children but his thoughts were changing and progressing and now he has a wife and two children. And they really look very happy.
    I admire this person very much, because through him l and realized that the most important thing is to love yourself to thank every day for being alive. We must live our lives to mormum with what we hove and with the people who support us. That we must always fight for every we want. What I want to imitate of the he, is be able to created be better foundation help people who need it abd inspire them to people.

    BY: Catalina Fernandez


    He was born december 17, 1936 in the neighborhood of Flores, in a modest family. The parents is Mario Bergoglio and Regina Sivori. He have 4 sisters and brothers. He study in a school Salesiano Wilfrid Baron De Los Santos Angeles in Ramos Mejia.

    Ones of the important facts of Francisco, speak against the expense made by the church, denounciong the courts of homosexuals, embrace and kiss a man suffering from a genital disease and finally condemn violence in Syria.

    I admire the Papa Francisco because he is a great person, because despite all the luxuries that are granted he always decides to accommodate himself with what is necessary. I admire that he is a charitable person, humble. ferborosa and more than this always wants the welfare of people.

    By: Ana Isabella Ospina Castañeda

    She was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia. Her parents, Nikola and Dranafile Bojaxhiu. They were a Catholic family. Her birth name was Agnes Gonxha.
    When she was just a girl, she has begun to help the neediest.
    She received Nobel Peace Prize.
    She was assigned to teach at Saint Mary's High School for Girl, this school was dedicated to teaching girls from the city’s poorest families.
    Other important fact was, in 1950 established Missionary congregation of Charity, this congregation who’s the criterion of help wasn´t beliefs but the need.
    I admire to Mother Teresa because she was ready to give without needing to receive. She thought more in the other people than about herself, she only expected to receive "thanks for all" and these words made her happy.
    I want to imitate of mother Teresa her love toward the others, her simplicity and the most important her lowliness.
    BY: Isabela Gomez Carvajal

  16. Lakshmi Narayan Mittal

    He was born on July 15th 1950. He in from of Churu, India but actually he lives un London. Is among the six richest people in UK, because he's a president of Mittal Steel Company (the largest steel suppliers in the world). In 2004 he was elected the best business man in Europe.
    He' s a president of companies of steel in Republic Checa, Romania, Bosnia, Poland , South Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kazajistan, Mexico, Spain
    and United State. His company have a 10% of steel in the world.
    I admire him because in past times he lived bad moments with his family and struggled to give them a better future, and now he is the richest man and more intelligent in the business. I want to study internacional bussines, so i love his reputation and i want a future like this, like for my family and like for me.
    Alejandra Zapata

  17. Jorge Eliécer Gaitán.

    He was a Colombian Political leader that in his die make the popular movement and his name was "El Bogotazo".

    He was born on January 23 1989, in Bogotá Colombia, Gaitan was part of the party Liberal know as the left party or the oposicion, he was candidate of President in his country, he study un Italy with Enrico Ferri and got his diploma of lawyer and politic, he was working of Minister education, Minister of labor, Mayor in Bogotá, President of congress and single leader of the liberal party.

    I admire this person because he was politc that fought by the town, a person that wanted to make progress to Colombia and he wanted always welfare of the society, he has a personality wonderful and many values who solidarity, friendly, and sense of belonging for what he loves.
    I would like can have love by my society and my country, be able that affront the problems how drug traffiking, corruption only by see his Colombia progress, I would love be a leader like him.

  18. I admire barack obama, he was born august 4,1961 in Honolulu Hawai. Her parents, Barack Obama and Ann Dunham.
    In 1992, Obama married Michelle obama, he have two children Malia Ann Obama and Natasha Obama so when he become president of the united states in 2009, he was the first african american president and also was in the senate.
    I admire him because is a great leader, is a good person and always search the better for the people and i would like have a president like him.
    i want to imite Obama is perseverance and struggle for yours dreams.

    Valentina López

  19. Nicholas vujicic is a motivational speaker and director of an organization of discapable people. He is characterized for have not any limb by this her life has been very hard .
    Nicholas born in Melbourne Australia, in December 4 of 1982 with a difference because he have a syndrome call Tetra Amelia, but this has not been a obstacle for become a very good actor.
    I choose this person because I think that he is a example life, like me how despite of the other people laught of he, Nicholas continued dreaming and used her discapacity like a advantage and a prook for yourself.
    I would like have the capacity of deal the probles or bas situations I n my life witch the same courage of Nicholas.

  20. Norma Elcy García
    She was born on March 19th, 1977. She is a brave person, intelligent and she can get ahead every trouble that she had in her life, and she educated me, when no one did. She has a stationary for 13 years.
    I admired her because she can get ahead when she didn’t have any support, my father decided that he didn’t want to continue in a relationship with my mom, she didn’t have support of my family. She has always wanted the best for me, the best education, and the best of all. She is a happy person, is brave, because not anybody can do and can achieve what she did. She is one of the most humble people that I know, and she always want the best for everybody.
    I want to follow or imitate of her, her qualities, most of all, her humble, her positivism to go ahead and her optimism.
    Written by: Valentina Patiño

  21. The person I admire the most is the virgin Mary, because she was an extraordinary woman and an example for all the womans in the world.
    She was the mother of Jesus and the one who was chosen by God to be who will be with the savior of the humanity.
    Now she is a symbol for all the people around the world of humility and pureness, she was chosen because her heart and mind were completely devoted to do God's will.
    I have learnt from her that working for God and having room for Jesus in my heart is the best decision. I wanna be like her because is an example of Mother and her patient and goodness give us the capacity of have a good life.


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  23. The person I admire the most is my mom, because she is an extraordinary woman and an example for all those in around her.
    She is a dreamer, a brave woman full of love and passion, someone who loves God in a way so contagious.
    She likes italian and Asian food, she enjoys shopping and loves traveling with her family.
    I have learnt from her that´s worthy fighting for you dreams and that I must never give up because I can do all things through Christ who hold my hand.


    He was a person very charismatic, humble and very important South African leader. He was activist and politician led the movements of Apartheid afterwards twenty seven years in prision.
    Nelson born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, son of the boss ir a tribe, in his tribe they called madiba. Nelson´s chillhood it was like it of a normal child. He was at an intern in Ford Hare to finish his studies, after a few years he get married with his cousin Evelyn Mase in 1944.
    I admire Nelson because he had an extraordinary personality, he trust in hiself, he was a men with a lot of corage and to being a good lider and he wanted the best for everyone.

    By. Mariana Ramírez G.


    He was a person very charismatic, humble and very important South African leader. He was activist and politician led the movements of Apartheid afterwards twenty seven years in prision.
    Nelson born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, son of the boss ir a tribe, in his tribe they called madiba. Nelson´s chillhood it was like it of a normal child. He was at an intern in Ford Hare to finish his studies, after a few years he get married with his cousin Evelyn Mase in 1944.
    I admire Nelson because he had an extraordinary personality, he trust in hiself, he was a men with a lot of corage and to being a good lider and he wanted the best for everyone.

    By. Mariana Ramírez G.

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  27. My Uncle Hector

    He born in 1958, in your family have three sisters and two brothers.

    He was a men happy, fighter, fan the futbol team " Dim", he love the cars and was humble.
    He married got stella , Had two sons Erika and Edward and one granddaughter Mariana.
    Although had errors, put the family first the all word.

    In 2013 the diagnosed cancer, was notice that change your life and the family life, and in 2014 he died.

    I admire he, because was a men fighter until the end and demonstrated a family that any problem for big to be, with god does it small.

    I want it imitate because he always told me : " figth for achieves yours dreams be happy put all in good`s hands".

    I have sure that since the sky take me and for your example achieve mi dreams, giving them god in honor for he.


  28. The person I admire is my mom. She was born in 19th of may 1975 in La ceja, Antioquia. Daughter of a cute, strong and big family at the same time, that count with nine women and three men. She has white skin, green eyes and brown hair. She's not much tall sincerly, but she has a heart bigger than her and a pair of daughters beautiful too. Haha.
    I admire her because she has taught me that: by more problems that arise, I need to stand up and continue. She has did that for many years and it is one of the reasons and maybe the main reason why I admire her.
    BY: Alejandra Ospina


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