Writing Assignment - 10º grade

Hey girls!
What's your opinion about plastic surgery, getting tattoos and piercings??
Don't forget to  structure  your ideas and make a clear text!

Sor Cris


  1. They say that television has created needs and that they do not know them. "we are not perfect." "they say, so a photo of paragraph". Do all within a logic and moderation... well, not always. It often leaves us hands. Example: here the werecat. Dennis avner, known as catman or stalking cat has operated in over and over again to become a tiger. It has become a tattoo, which became whiskers, has changed the teeth, carries contact lenses, now that you have pointed ears sharp... and thus to the long list of things they need to do should do a sight to admire during his visits to the Bank or the bakery. These and many more examples that affect our company the amount of person with cosmetic surgery, tattoos and piercings are great people and sometimes without looking at what is being done or that your body is not perfect, but there is something that make each person unique and pleasant. Body piercings have been sign of beautification and distinction, but keep in mind that they can also cause physical and social problems.
    For this reason, if you want to get a piercing, you should know the risks and the precautions that should have. The reasons for piercing or perforations in the body are varied and range from fashion, are distinguished from others, identify with a social or ethnic group, enhance erotic feelings or simply decorate the body. The procedure is relatively simple and is safe when it comes to highly qualified professionals, since they performed in clean according to the measures of hygiene facilities as well as put into practice techniques appropriate. It should be noted that not all individuals are candidates for drilling, for example, those who suffer from hemophilia, since they have poor blood clotting and therefore small wounds that leave the process could endanger his life. also, when they suffer from allergies is preferable to consult the Allergist to indicate if the placement of jewelry will affect or not health status.They are various reasons for plastic surgery, because for some people it is not by taste, only better for some physical aspect or malformations of manufactures and the only thing they were able to adjust are the surgeries that if is still very risk.
    CONCLUSION: before undergoing the process of drilling, surgery, or make the tattoo be security of not suffering from any disease or infection, because suffering, even if it's only cold, means weakening the defenses and this might negatively interfere with the healing of the piercing, recovery from surgery, etc

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  3. Plastic surgery:

    Plastic surgery becomes a very controversial topic, some people have a viewpoint centered on that plastic surgeries are a good practice, that serves for the woman or man are more at ease and satisfied with their physique, conversely for others the plastic surgery doesn’t bring many benefits and doesn’t like. These surgeries can make in different parts of the body as buttocks, breasts, lips, nose and others. This is for the purpose to reduce them or to enlarge them, to benefit each person.

    Well, some people have surgeries for reduction of breasts because this is affecting your health or reconstructive surgeries due to an accident. When these people have surgeries feel better and achieve stability.

    So, on the other hand some people have surgeries to feel and look more beautiful and attractive, because have some complexes that on my part with something illogical, for have a “chubby” need surgery to remove them or don’t have big breasts and want to have more, so with the buttocks, with thick lips, and with big nose, this happens because in today’s society there is a stereotype of woman and man with perfect measurements. Usually who undergoes these operations are people that aren’t comfortable with their physique for this they feel need to change and transform for something better, many times with the purpose of be this stereotype offered by the industry and search acceptance of society.

    In conclusion, people who undergo these operations doesn’t have self-esteem, because search a perfection which doesn’t exist. Self is beautiful whit its flaws and imperfections. You don’t need surgery to become something you aren’t.

    by: maria jose carmona

    Currently has become very common the plastic surgery, it is almost impossible go out and don't see a person that have one. A great example of this is Kim Kardashan, Kylie Jenner and a lot of celebrities that have done see this as something very common and popular.
    Everyone want a plastic surgery, why? because they want to look "better".
    The plastic surgery is a good method to people sick for example a person that had an accident and need this for reconstruct his face or another part of them body; i know a person that was wound up by a car and him face was totally destroyed and this was very hard for him so his mother decided to give him a plastic surgery for his birthday because his self-esteem was on the floor.
    This improve a lot the trust and the security that each person has in himself.
    It is very helpful for self-esteem of one person because if them want to do it is because doesn't feel very well with himself.
    But for other side the plastic surgery is nothing else that vanity (except in health cases). A lot of people say that this surgery can correct the mistakes of the body, but they don't understund that all the body's are perfect, we don't need reconstruct our body's for be better for be happy; this is totally false!.
    The thing is that this is what the stereotypes of society have taught us, and the only thing that we do making us a plastic surgery is supporting and promoting this.
    And this can affect your health and you can get results completely opossed to what you want, this surgeries may bring with them many consequences not as positive as an implant explodes, etc.
    Concluding, i desagree with this because a physical doesn't make us better that anyone, but finally you don't need approval from anyone more than you and if you think that it is the best for you, do it! is your body, but please think: really this will you do better?.
    "Love your curves and your edges, all your perfect imperfections" -John Legend.
    BY: Milena Patiño Ocampo

  5. In this time, this things are very common because young people do it for look fashionable, for example: women do plastic surgeries for reshape her bodies, and the same way men with the piercings and tattoos.

    I think that this can be very beatiful and everyone are free and they can do what ever that they want in their bodies but they must keep in mind that it has disadvantages, for example: the tattos can produce cancer.

    Other disadvantage is that the tattoos always will be in the skin and for that you should be sure that the tattos is very meaning for you.

    You must have in mind that in some jobs you can not have tattoos.

    In conclusion, i disagree because i think that the body is the temple from ourselves, we must value it and take care of him. I also think that the tattoos as much as the plastic surgeries and the piercing can cause a many diseases.

    I think that we must learn do not rule us much in fashion if not that we must think in always be fine both healthas of personality and having us trust to themselves.

    by: Ana Isabella Ospina Castañeda

  6. In this text i'm going to talk about tattoos. It's something that many people do it either by fashion or pleasure. We are free and we can do the tattoo what we want but we must have in mind that it has some adventages and disadvantages, for this reason you must have sure if you will do a tattoo. Then, i will show you some pros and cons of having a tattoo.
    In pros, it's a mode of art or personal expresion. Many people do it for adorn the body, others for expres a thought.
    You can do it for remember things for example an experience or something very meaning that represent a great feeling of which surely you won't regret with the passage of the years.
    It can help you to hide a scar or a stain that don't like you to have in the skin.
    In cons, do it can be very painful and you should know that if you do it, this will be always in you.
    Some jobs don't accept that the workers have tattoos.
    In conclusion, i 'm agree with tattos because it's a form of free expresion and each person will have their reasons for getting a tattoo, whether for fashion, pleasure or meaning, each one owns their body and their treatment of himself.
    By: Sara María García Ocampo

    1. surgery plasttic:
      currently there is a surgical process wich are affected young people between 15 and 17 years we are talking about of the process plastic surgery this allows for correction of various parts pf the body is once again in the actuallity play a social role very big it is very commun exit of our the country and not see a person with a surgery plastic.
      the surgery plastic is a good method for peoples they need a reeconstruct because suffered a accident or disease the plastic through the reconstruct surgery can bring more happiness and los for life, also helps people recover self-steem it helps the people to see differently, it helps to have better concept on our body. We can see as disadvantages that the surgery plastic the only thing that makes is reconstruct parts of the body only by looking good and God us to fact in his likeness, could plastic surgery also have great cost, also allows you to have the body, mouth, or nose that we want to we can see that this procedure is not good because what it does is make a reconstruction just to se us more beautiful for example in the actuallity have large famous as nicki minaj aledy can not go outside without seeing someone with a surgery plastic something that was to become very popular.
      by: Maria Fernanda Ospina Ramirez

  7. Plastic Surgery

    Now in day, the plastic surgery in so commonly used by woman or man, for the improvement. From some aspects of the physical appearance. Is a medium very accessible for everybody, already what be to very popular well before he considered dangerous, expensive and limited now is all the contrary because this within reach of that have a good economic position and although his technology to increase the shape positive, still exist risks in the realization from this.

    The most from people that attend to these procedures they start with a routine from exercise fury and change by full his style from life and improvement the physical aspects no desired increasing he self-esteem in the people For example when a people have greater security and trust in itself.

    Each people he should to accept and to love as it is no need. From intervention surgical to not be necessary for his health, because in each person should. Exist he love own no matter that say the rest. On the other hand the addition to the surgeries, can generate serious problems from heath and complications what way arrive do mortal because despite the advance from the technology the risks they follow gifts because everybody the bodies they are different and can to have risk the hemorrhage, irritation, inflammation, a difficulty cardiorespiratory as consequence can be the death. For example they are people that make happen by surgeons when no they are and risk the life from other peoples or no they leave the results desired.

    Finally I want recommend to the people that submit to the plastic surgeries for what have very watch out in these cases as a mala surgery is a risk that can end up the life to a people if it is done wrong made, also there are different ways from to have a good body with very exercise and a good nutrition. But the health of the patient and a good surgeon are important for get a positive result and for that he patient stay good with the results.

    By: Maria Luisa Valencia Echeverri.

  8. Tattos nowadays:
    You may have heard about this new trend, nowadays most of the young people you see in the streets have tattoos or want tattoos; they've became a culture.
    For some, tattoos are guys and girls trying to be rebel against they authorities but once you talk to them about their tattoos they are actually passionate about them, they give every ink in their bodies a meaning.
    Once I saw a guy with a tattoo in his upper arm, it was the Giving Tree, it was beautiful and full of details, I asked him about it's meaning and he said: "it's a letter to my mom, she died of breast cancer; she used to read this story everynight before I went to sleep while she snuggled in bed with me". As this guy, many other people is getting meaningful things inked in their bodies.

    Statistics show how nowadays the percentage of people who want to get a tattoo or have one already has increased more than in a 45% compared to past generations; this shows us how this generation is wearing their art in their skins, they've dared to get tattoos without caring about external conditions or criticisms.

    Getting a tattoo can give us long lasting memories, for example if you get a tattoo in your early 20s of an opportunity you had that changed your life, years later once you look at that tattoo it'll bring you many memories of brave stories and how you overcame everything that came with it.
    Also, getting a tattoo can make you feel that breaking away of the crowd is a point of pride, we are all different and we can all show our passion through what we love, some pick to love art, and art in their bodies.

    One thing we also see in society nowadays is how some do things because their friends do it or they just want to fit it, and this is something that can make a young person commit a mistake by getting inked something that doesn't have a meaning and they repent later on.

    In conclusion, tattoos are a great way to express who we are, what makes us brave and different from the rest; you only have to be sure of what you're doing and do it with a personal conviction, knowing you're join to todays trend that opens many doors to meet others passions and loves.


  9. plastic surgery:
    in this text i want tell some life storys about some women that were cheated by fake doctors "surgeons" for win money and in a return they realized wrongs surgerys.
    In the present, the plastic surgerys they play a social role very important. FOR EXAMPLE: a person that has a crooked nose can produce in this person a seriously psychological problems that don't let become be happy.
    In my point of view, the plastic surgerys should be realized just when it is necessary because we must love like we are.
    In the first posicion, one disadvantage about plastic surgerys is about the high cost of this surgerys because generally not accept as we are really.
    second, i desagree with the plastic surgery unnecessary because you are risking life.
    third, at the present, to patients seems best save money with medical not certificates.
    and finally not agree with plastic surgerys because we must accept as we are really.
    but the plastic surgerys is not full bad because in some cases need, also this surgerys can become very important for some people how do happy someone and have a better life but only if needed.
    I want to tell the story about ANA MARGARITA GIRALDO with only 32 years old was performed in 2011 a breast surgery in Medellin. The "surgeon" that realized this surgery was RODOLFO CHAPARRO with CAMILO ARANGO. Six days after the surgery Ana is very sick and decided to go to the doctor who will review it where she almost died
    CONCLUSION: the plastic surgerys is the good option only is necessary but in a place it certificate
    Thank you!

    "I am a canvas of my experiences, my story is with lines and shadows, and you can read it in my arms, my legs, my shoulders and in my stomach". -Kat Von D, tattoo artist
    All the people should see beyond the superficial, and I want shown that tattoos are beutifuls:
    • The tattoos tell a story of people and make of their body a temple
    • It’s a way of art and personal expression
    • Many people get tattoos to cover up scars and prevent bullying
    • If you get a tattoo, you can express your feelings are of joy, anger, stress, etc.
    But you can’t leave behind the opinion of people who don’t agree, which are very valid:
    • Less opportunities of work
    • The inks can cause allergic reactions
    • It's hard that you take off again what you have tattooed

    In conclusion, I think that the tattoos aren’t a bad decision, for me is a good decision because you learn the meaning of a “FOREVER” being a sure person who takes control of your life

    Alejandra Zapata

  11. A tattoo is a permanent body modification where a kind of ink penetrate the skin allowing this to take shape and color.
    In ancient times, this modification was a sign of honor, loyalty and courage; in the current culture, is normal, is a simple symbol of fashion.
    This isn't bad for the society, a tatto doesn't say if that person is good or bad; but for the health of the person who has this, have tattoos isn't the best decision. Many people get tattoos for conmemorate a thing, a person, a place or anything that they considerate improtant for their life.
    Most people who has tattos are young, maybe because they are more expressive and creative, and they like to show what they like, even in their body in spite of the damages or consequences that this brings.
    All the people are free to do what they want with themselves. This isn't totally good or totally bad, it is from both sides; but if you know give more of yourself than what you show, a modification is an "unimportant" part of you.
    Tattoos are art, are body art, and is one of the best forms to show yourself, what you like, what you believe, what you know, but not what you have in you heart and in your soul.
    By: Daniela Ortega Rave.

  12. How far can you reach to reach beauty?

    The actual society has been based on the superficial, on always being in search of a stereotype; something perfect is shown, from a surgery simple until perfection until reaching the point perfection in which they are unrecognizable.

    In the only area where I agree with surgery plastic, is when someone has an accident that they body is deformed by impact, or also when they have an acid attack, that is when it is necessary.

    The only advantages that a plastic surgery bring I said before is when someone has a very serious accident, and because of their physical and emotional well need, so that it don´t generate traumas and can continue with they life as it normally did, Dont feel uncomfortable when you go out.

    The disadvantages are many, such as an unnecessary infection, a bad procedure, and in the buttocks the famous biopolymers, which have destroyed bodies of beautiful people simply out of vanity.

    In conclusion I am against these surgeries when the person becomes obsessive, when one makes an operation and wants another and another, without some rest, this is a single reason for aesthetics in people who really need to live.

    Mariana Ramírez Gaviria

    The surgery plastic begins a long time ago, a man called Edwin Smith found a paper in Egypt where speak about thing with content sur cal but had that translated a after that he died his son followed with this investigation and long time was published. The surgery plastic has as purpose the correction of the deformations ir e body, are used differents techniques for reshape some part you dont like the body or because you need for be fine.
    Why do people get surgeries? A person can be very sick and need urgent medical care and has a fast and careful procedure, in these situations a surgery is necessary, to remove part of his body or some serious illness or for the help of a baby among more situations that happen in the diary life. For example: mother that has a your baby and complicates the birth of the baby, so doctors have to undergo surgery immediately.
    For other the people also want to change some part of their body so they do plastic surgeries despite he can out bad, but all for look better. Each person chooses what he wants to do with his body, for necessity or look better. cant and nobody can choose for other person about this.

    BY: Catalina Fernandez

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  15. Tattoos is a cultural issue that youth is something natural but for many older something that it damages your body and you look bad in the society, some cultures of the world as indigenous is something distinctive that a member of the community have tattoos to show that indigenous community is or that religion is still
    The advantages of having tattoos are very few but you can have a tattoo that you identify in your body and all different ideas you have of the world

    the disadvantages are many, cancer, infections, the tattoo will be permanent for life, you can repent of the picture that you have on your skin, much pain when they do
    My opinion on the topic of tattoos is not to criticize and not reject people who want to have their bodies a personal drawing and have a meaning for each person, culture, society has different ways of seeing a permanent mark on the skin and this respect

    Many people is does tattoos because see beyond that simple stripes, see their memories and acts that have had during all live, they show his part more bad and his good
    when the people get tattooed, they achieve an begin and an end for the his live.
    is express some event important in your live
    In some cases help improve the trust of each one.
    to tattoo will do you learnd many of the your body and your emotions
    You will never forget the reason or acts that help they took you this decisión.
    the tattoo also have are things bad
    In some people the his skin not achieve heal
    can bring complications for get an work
    Probably in some years will can see that this decision not was the more succefull
    your memories not need will be for mark your skin.

    i think that the tattoos are an the good idea when do you have clear what you want and you are conscious to make decisions so importants in your live.

  17. "Some people get tattoos based on their religious beliefs, to honor the death of a loved one, to show their artistic expression or simply to be spontaneous and get something spur of the moment that’s permanent. Whatever the case may be, the permanence of tattoos represent the individuality of a person" Indeed. my friends have really great looking tattoos but some have tattoos that are just awful. I don't care what personal story is behind them, they are still ugly looking tattoos.
    For me, the trash tattoos contains
    Phrases or quotes. The people with these kind of tattoos are often on the trashier side of the spectrum anyway.
    Super generic stuff like stars, tribals and tramp stamps. Rarely looks good on the person. Tattoos that on their own would be ok but when grouped with other tattoos that have a totally different style and no theme to tie them together. These are usually a combination of really generic stuff too.
    I don't have any tattoos myself but would like some that I can easily cover with clothes. Just haven't figured out what I would want to get inked.
    In conclusion the tattoos are cute when they have a great meaning for the person but when it is fashion, it is something pathetic, scratch the skin just to get the attention is really silly

  18. The tattoos is a topic has generate much interest in many people, for this many people think that d a tattoo is a very good idea, but also there are many people that say the tattoos are very bad and give bad image in a person . But I agree with do a tattoo because i think that if anybody do the tattoo in their body it is for something, should have a reason very important, the tattoo can remember to the person important moments or important thing in their lives.
    I think that if the tattoo do with responsibility and a clean place, that who do this was a professional person and the most important is that you should be sure of you want do in your skin, for that later do not regret.
    Also I agree because the tattoos are a expression way, the people are feel good do it, In many times the tattoos represent the interest or personalities of each one, something that character to the person.
    In conclusion, I totally agree, finally the tattoos can became a loyal friends for life, but if they do the tattoo in a safe and clean place.

  19. The word tattoo (the etymology) that probably comes from the Samoan means “mark” or “hit two times”. We think that this practice is an actual tendency and the people of the ending of XX century and beginning of XXI are the only generations that have ever had this as a regular topic in normal life; but we are wrong because this is an old practice that has been hold for centuries.

    There are several reasons why people get their tattoos well some of the most common reasons why are: to grab a bond on their body forever with a person that they really love or appreciate and they can have it alone (like have the face of the person that you want, the name or something that identify that person) or each person gets a tattoo ( for example the Colombian YouTuber Daniel Jaramillo got a tattoo with his that, each of them got an wing that means: “we are flying together in life”); another reason can be want to remember something, somebody or a phrase that really like you which is beautiful because you won’t forget it anymore; and the final one is just because you liked a design.
    But a tattoo is not something that you can get as a tomato from a store (talking about your body), you have to think really serious about it because it is going to be in your body forever and even when you can remove the mark will be there. also you mustn’t get a tattoo at the first place you see, you have to be very careful in that field to avoid a serious infection or even an injurie and also you have to look for a good ink because if it is a cheap or a bad one it would get erased very quickly

    Tattoos shows you personality and are a very good way to identify yourself for that is very important to have one that you really like, in my opinion tattoos are art made by a really talents person (the elaborated ones) and I really like to have one

  20. The plastic surgery is a procedure that aims to improve a person’s appearance, but it should be done with caution.
    Plastic surgery continues to grow in popularity around the world, because there are approximately 50 types. People can undergo by their own choice if they don’t like something about their body; but people who had an accident or a deformation can repair the problem too.
    The pros about this are a lot, it not is only to the beauty or the perfection, and it can change the life of many people who has a problem since the birth.
    In spite of many people disagree with the plastic surgery, it can help people to improve their quality of life, 44% of patients said that their Jobs get better since the procedure; and the self-love increase by this.
    But, nothing is perfect, and the plastic surgery has disadvantages too. One of these is the risk that you take and can bring diseases, infections and even the dead.
    If you think it is necessary for your life do this type of procedures, do it, but with caution and you can search for help to know where are the places and the people that can do good things and give a better life.

  21. Tattoos has existed in many cultures for hundreds of years, it is a millenary practice because in the century II; but now this have become in a style like a sign of expression freedom.
    Tattoos have been expanding over the years, for example in the year 2000 these spread to the south of Asia and China. Strangely, the church in centuries XVII, XVIII supported tattoos.
    But in other cultures, this attitude, also was used like punishment for slaves.
    This type of manifestation since then, became in something normal to the teenagers actually.
    Actually, tattoos are very common in young people (15- 25) but not only in them also in people between 25 years and up.
    In century XXI all the people have a tattoo. What was previously considered property or that only cyclists and sailors had, In the present majority of people had or maybe want to get one of them. Statistics show how nowadays the percentage of people who want to get a tattoo or have one already has increased more than in a 30% compared to past generations.

    Getting a tattoo, can give you memories for example, if you get a tattoo when you have 20 years old this can be a whim of adolescence that in the future will bring you beautiful moments, also you can get a tattoo about something important for you that really be grateful to remember. But before that you want get a tattoo, you would think several times because is an important decision in your life as this cannot be deleted.

    In conclusion, tattoos are great way who we are is a great way to express freedom expression but if you want get a tattoo you must think two times, you only have to be sure what you are doing.

  22. Doing a tattoo.
    Nowadays is trendy doing tattoos, people get tattoos for different reasons, it can be for costume, culture or simply because it is the fashion.
    People have done tattoos during centuries. In 1991, someone found in the border of Australia and Italy a man that had tattoos in his knees and his back. He is a hunter of 5300 years ago.
    In the world, as time go by, people have accept and do not accept that people get tattoos; it depends of the age. I don’t see any problem to get tattoos, the problem is when the person don’t do it in the right way, or without a professional because It can be dangerous.
    But I agree for getting a tattoo, because it can means something of the person’s personal life, it can be important and also it can show many of the interests of the person.
    By: Valentina Patiño

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  24. TATTOS
    Tattoos, in current culture, have become very normal because they can be a sign of fashion, religion or even culture itself. However there still are many people that are against of these ‘cause they say: “it’s bad for health”, “it’s going against moral principles” or “it is a taboo”.
    Tattoos are art, an art that is embodied in the skin, is an expression of being. Most people decide to get a tattoo to commemorate a significant event in their lives, because they know it will be forever imprinted on their skin, or also use them for aesthetic use: hide scars, blemishes and things like that.
    But other ones get it only to show rebellion and it's here where lies the problem and the reviews of the people who get tattoos and the people who make them. Tattoos can cause health complications, for example: if you get to give an infection by the machine needle. But also, they can generate But they can also generate social problems (not getting a job, arguing with close people, etc.)
    In conclusion, tattoos are a form of human expression and it is in each of us to decide what to do or think about these.
    BY: Alejandra Ospina.

  25. the tattoos has existed a long time ago , now is very common that people have the tattoo ,because there are meny posibilities for the perform a change like these in the body.
    i can know a person that have a tattoo your opinion about this matter is "if you want perform a tattoo, think very well that is going to be done because is a decision for all the life"
    She also think that the tattoos is art and like when have the meaning very big for the person.
    The pros of the tattoos depend your vision, because for many people is good have a tattoo but some people think in all job offers that can to lose and in the rejection from some people.
    In conclusion if you want have a tattoo think two times because is many things that can happen if you want get a job for example,but believe that is more your vision and your passion ,because really
    if you are passionate the tattoo only do it.

  26. Every people has a opinion about tattoos. Because many people it is considered something bad, for others in your opinión have a form of expression.
    It depend a lot on the reason why they want to tattoo and that have tattooing for this person. Because for me it can mean something important , other person the tattoos simply scratch the body and damaging.
    Many of Persons don´t see life without tattoos, because mean moreof just a draw on the skin.

    But there are people who have with a design, with no deeper meaning than "looks nice".
    In my opinion, the reasons for tattooing must be deeper than the physical appearance they give us or the fashionable.
    When you get tattooed, you know something important, symbolic for one's life and in this it consists of paying homage to something or someone.

    By: Yessenia Henao García

  27. TATTOOS:
    Previously, our ancestors wore tattoos as the representation of a tribe, or to characterize a particular group of people, then tattoos began to be used as a way to mark prisoners, depending on the tattoo that had meant the kind of crime he had committed, equally these marks people did them in a visible place for when out liberate knew that that person could be dangerous. As tattoos are a change in the skin where you inject ink to form a figure, today's tattoos are fashionable in young people.

    As well as all tattoos have advantages and disadvantages, for example when a person goes to a place cheap may there use recycled needles that can cause the spread of infection or transmission of diseases such as AIDS, on the other hand tattoos can help disguise the scars or stains to change its appearance.

    Tattoos are a form of expression, externalize thoughts or feelings, also for some people in a form other than beauty and although today there is the possibility to remove them is a very painful procedure and that leave a noticeable scar.

    BY: Lisa Espinosa

  28. Since the middle of 20th century a lot of huge stereotypes have being constructed about how women and men should look like, this and the vanity that the human manage let us as human beings
    Want to to adapt slowly to this society, without thinking of the consequences that adaptation brings and what this can drive people. The main idea of this text is incentive people to got a self love and a big self estimate without needing plastic aurgery to accept their selfs.
    We have to know that plastic surgeryes are not just enlarge your breasts or lipos, the plastic surgery is also need for reconstruct faces or parts of the body of people that have suffered from accidents, with acid, for example , between others
    The positive face of this kind of surgeries is when they help people that has suffers physical modifications product of an accident , this rescontructive procedures make this people recover their self esteem and feel good with themselves, this let them have more security in all the fields that they are into and help them have an emotional equilibrium for the main fact of not being thinking all the time about their bad look An the other side we can find the negative of this field of surgery and is when the person doesn't have love for their body, and summits themselves into unnecessary surgerys to try to look prettier feeding an obsession, damage their health
    In conclusion we can see the cons stronger than the pros, saying us that is better not undergo into plastic surgery when we don't really need them and to love each other as we are and not as plastic made us


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