Hmmm... What's your opinion about the internet?

Hey 9th grade girls! Welcome to my corner!
Let's think a bit about the internet!

Please share with us:
-3 positive things about it (3 advantages)
-3 negative things about it (3 disadvantages)
-Your conclusion about the internet!

And HEY! Be creative about the pros & cons you share!


  1. ADVENTAGES OF INTERNET: ° Search the homework
    ° Comunication whit friends
    ° Find about any information

    DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNET: ° In some case search a problem
    ° Cyberbullying
    ° Send Nudes


    The internet is good if the person used the correct form.

    °Laura Rodríguez Gil
    ° Valeria Ramírez Sepúlveda


    - Helping with the information of world.

    - Helping with the comunication a long distance

    - Is a element for have fun


    - No there are a relationship with others

    - we lose time in internet

    - Is a need for life

    In conclusion we can say that the internet there are that to know use, and dedicate time necesary.

  3. advantages:
    -we think the internet our help with homeworks
    -our help comunicate with your friends
    -facilities information
    -is lost the comunication with the people
    -is lost the trust with the family
    -most young boys use the social networks

    Conclusion: the internet is very important,but always is use with careful

    -Maria Camila Pavas Valencia
    -Estefania Gomez Garcia

  4. 3 positives thinks about advantages of the internet:
    1. help us to do homeworks and works in all moment
    2. help us to speak with family and friends they are in other places
    3. know more people and can speak with them

    3 negatives thinks about disavantages of the internet:
    1. makes us addicted and stupid
    2. can exist the ciberbullying with other persons
    3. this transformed in a medium of the distractor

    we must give him a good use to the internet and give its a time determined


  5. Hi, we are going to talk about the internet, an amazing tool that help us to be connected with the world.

    This implement have many advantages like disadvantages, let's see...

    In first place let's look for ADVANTAGES:

    -The internet make easier our life, because we can find millions of things there: information, videos, music, ETC.
    -This element let the world to be connected; for example: If I am in Colombia, i can communicate with a person at China in only seconds.
    -And let us use many pages online to do a lot of things.


    -In many times it could be very dangerous if we don't use it by the correct way.
    -The internet may contain bad things or information that is available to all the public.
    -Sometimes it could help to people who want to make crimes or things like that.

    In conclusion, we want to say, the internet is an awesome thing, that if we use it correctly, may help us and make easier everything we do.


    BY. Manuela Martinez
    Marcela Osorio
    MAUX- 9

  6. Internet:

    Positive: 1. It help in the know more information and investigation.
    2. See videos, listen to music, see blogs, chat with your friends and family, etc..
    3. Realized your homeworks.

    Negative: 1. Adicctive
    2. The communication relationship loses.
    3. Bad people use it the bad things

    CONCLUTION: The internet is very important in the society but have bad things that hurt.
    We have to make good use of ther, or it would affect our daily lives.

    By: Amalia García and Camila Salazar

  7. 3 advantages
    - if helps us the study more
    - we can find information more
    - we can contact people who are far from us

    3 disadvantages
    - we can find many evil things
    -Makes us forget our families and friends
    -it takes us apart from the world

    in conclusion we can say that the internet us help in many situations but also in some occasions we can get out wounded for the evil that there are

    juana isabel buitrago
    maria fernanda tobon

  8. Maria Fernanda Villa R.
    Natalia Calle Franco


    * With the internet we can look for information in an easier way
    *We can have a better comunication
    *We can buy a lot of things without leaving home


    *There could be Cyberbullying
    *We can find fake information
    *It can cause us addiction


    *The internet has a lot of advantages and disadvantages but it depends on the use that we give to this tool, if we use it well we can build a better society.

  9. the internet it is very important because for the people is very necessary for their everyday task
    also for the communication with their family and friends
    and the doubts that we have .

    also the internet have disadvantages as.
    the people become addicted
    someone are very dangerous for social network
    Misuse of information

    our conclusion is that the internet is very necessary for everyone , but must be given a good use

    Valeria Correa
    Valeria Gonzalez

  10. The internet have a disadvantages and advantages
    this advantages are a
    *quickly the information
    *easy to realice works
    *the information is a complet

    the bad things or disadvantages from internet they are
    *the internet have a bad conection
    *some the information is a false
    *some pages have a virus

    We think what the internet is a big help beause a find much information important and new news everyday, its a correct but also it is a bad in something cases this a see the violence and content not correct

    *Paula Andrea Lopez-Camila Bedoya

  11. Advantages about the internet:
    - Make easier the search of information
    - Give programs for the comunication in different parts of the world
    - Inform us about what happens

    Disadvantages about the internet:
    - Sometimes the information it´s not the rigth
    - Some programs haven´t high security
    - Not all people to know about it

    Conclusion: We must use adecuately the internet and so prevent any kind of misunderstood

    Names: - Sara López Hoyos
    - Maria Clara Montoya López

  12. 3 advantages about internet

    1. The internet help us with responsabilities and homeworks
    2. Know the new people and make friends
    3. Help us with the comunication with the distant people

    3 disadvantages about internet

    1. It does not allow that think in the same when with working
    2. Produce abuses and scams
    3. Have content restringed for childrens and other people

    The internet is a tool that hepl us in much things, but don't use badly, because can cause very bad problems for us life, friends, family, and other people.

    Fabiana González
    Sofía Jaramillo

  13. Earthquake in Haití.

    Ocurred a Tuesday 12th January 2010, the quake had a magnitude of 7.3 Mw, the 4 persons died for the Tsunami.
    More the 150.000 bodys the persons died


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