Cameras inside the classrooms?

Hi 10th grade girls! This time, let's share:

What's your opinion about having cameras inside the classroom?

1 paragraph: Introduction (include the thesis statement)
2 paragraph: 4 arguments supporting your opinion
3 paragraph: Conclusion


  1. The this news shocking the world of the education (specially the sector of the students) and lately one does not speak about another thing. We could have known, of generally well informed sources, that the educational authorities study the possibility of installing cameras of videovigilancia in the classrooms.
    And the opinion for these is that I am in disagreement.
    Lucky already it has ordered to many colleges to withdraw this system of viginalcia from the lounges of class, warning that the video cameras are a good resource in common areas in the intituciones deprived of the colleges, since the classrooms of class are a place semi deprived in the one that gives himself for the education, the learning and the personal and social development of the pupils; a space of formation and the presence of cameras can prevent the pupils from expressing and being shared by big freedom by teachers and companions.

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  3. cameras in clasrooms, an idea that a few support and others reject, but real mind are looking at solutions that would bring these technological devices to the proper functioning of the study and the decline of bullying among youth
    agree with the use of this device because a higher concentration would be on children and youth, would fall in bullying in institutions , greater security in the halls and control of theft, cheat in exams and many consequences that happen every day in one educational institutional
    this safety device would be a step forward but in the safety of the students, but respect their rights of privacy in other institutional environments._.

  4. In recent years, in the country the London in schools some first days before, install approximation one hundred cameras in the classroom the school.
    I think what not to put cameras in the classrooms because the students always the will be pressed to study under surveillance, because in another sense it would be good because there are cameras for anything different that can present, i would good because there would be recorded any problem.
    We can finish saying to put cameras in the classroom could bring more advantages what disadvantages bring several good things for the school.
    By: Maria Fernanda Ospina Ramirez

  5. In recent years, security cameras have solved many problems in public and private areas yet clever robbers find blind points to commit their crimes, technology nowdays is making the daily life easier, helping people all around to world to finish their activities in more effective ways, security cameras are being used in private places like houses and public places like parks and malls, yet the most important places to be watch are not using this technology.
    I totally agree with the use of classroom cameras because the behavior of students would get better, firstly, bullying acts will decrease because this actions will be detect easier helping students to feel better and helpining directors, teachers and parents to have less problems.
    Secondly, it's evident that this cameras will help students to be completely focus in class, because they wouldn't be using their phones or talking to their classmates constantly.
    This safety device will help the community and it will give a hand to the growth of safety in places where young people develop their personalities.

  6. today the technology has improve helping peolple in almost all the fieleds but specially in the security, because the cameras help the police and peolple to solve cases and have evidence, but.. is necesary to have them everywhere? even in classrooms?
    lately in England (country that has cameras in almost every corner, and space that can have one) some schools have decieded to put cameras into clasrooms. a really controvertial decision . their arguments are:
    1 that cameras can help schools to recognize and watch bullying: i think that put cameras into classrooms is not a direct solution against bullying, the best solution is to educate the students since early age and even when they can know who are the "the bully children" they can keep doing it by the internet or another kind of medeia
    2 they say that it would keep students focus: i think that this is limited the education, because as we know if you WANT to learn you have to pay atention, the world WANT has implicitly a touch o freedom inside showing that the human had to make a decision by itself, and this freedom is being taking away from students and it make them lost autonomy
    i disagree with this at all and i think that the human doesnt need to be under vigilation all they in all the spaces

  7. this notice has been viral and has caused a lot cobtroversy, because the people that is agree is almost the same quantity that the people that is desagree, both sides have arguments very good and the reasons are very valids and coherents. One example of a country that taked this advance was londres has decided put cameras in each one the classrooms.
    In my opinion not is a good idea because:
    1. I think that the privacity was less, beacuse all the time other people will see all we do.
    2.This will be a unnecesary money spend, .
    3. I think that the cameras crash very fast, because the mayority of students are very noisy.
    4.Althought i too think that this could be good idea but only for the small childrens because they have more risk of suffer accidents.
    In conclusion this not is a good idea, i think that could invest this money in other things much more neccesary and useful for all students.
    By. Juliana

  8. In the last years the world has been many advances for supply of necessities of humans, one of these advances has been the installation of cameras in each one of classrooms the first country in implement this has been Londres, Where had a great success.
    My 4 ideas for which i agree are:
    1. This cameras could prevent the bullying.
    2. Because they can see the treatment between the students, and all the members of school.
    3. It’s a good idea for prevent and avoid the fraud in the exams, and create a best culture and best students.
    4. The students will have best concentration in all the classes, and Likewise promote learning.
    In conclusion I think that this is very good, that the world is Progressing and implementing new things that serving for all the people in this case especially for students.

  9. having cameras inside the classroom can bring good things for the directives, the parents and the students, and count with the new technology of the cameras in tha classrrom for protec the integrity of the alumns
    I think that use the technology in our classroom sometimes is necesary, because we can avoid the bullying, the drugs, and the fighs that ussually can be generated in the classroom. Also because this help to that the comunication be more especific when there is a nonconformity inside in the classroom and solve problems of an easier way, Because ot will become easier know the needs in the groups.
    in conclusion i think that cameras are a good idea, and that all schools should have them for the security and wellness of the students, directives, and other.
    By: Valentina Henao

  10. The techology help to the human being with he obvetije from to ease and give comfort in the everyday life. The cameras help to the surveillance the tourist places, business, parks and many others for some people is a solution but for other a problem.

    I think that not is a good idea have cameras in the classrooms because privacy and they woud have a good behavior alone why is it so being observed, and in my opinion the cameras are not the best option for keep the discipline and he order in the classrooms, but may be good for detect a fraud or a wrong conduct from a student.

    In conclusion the cameras in he classroom they have their things positive and negative the important is as to know use them.

    By: Maria Luisa Valencia Echeverri

  11. We are in the technology’s age, we advance every day, we can reduced the crime only with a camera; the technology is making our lifes easier, we can talk with someone in other country, we can learn, and do many things, in conclusion we can have an easier and safer life.
    I agree to put cameras in the classroom, because it helps to prevent many things, for example, prevent the bullying or the behavior en every class, it helps to see if a teacher, won’t give the topic, I mean, if the teacher is not teaching.
    This can help us to focus in what we do, prevent the misbehavior, be a little bit more expressive about what happens in class for the students and for the teachers.
    By: Valentina Patiño

  12. Nowaday the technology has advanced a lot and the cameras are a tool for schools and for the students' security but it isn't necessary in everywhere because for nobody is good that every moment someone is watching at you.
    The cameras are good only around the shools but not in everywhere like the classrooms
    But I think that having cameras inside the classrooms isn't a good idea
    1. The cameras won't make the students think better
    2. The students need privacity and they should know how to act in a good way for themselves and not because they are being watched
    3. The cameras could be a good idea but in parts when there are students very crazy and they don't care what can happen to them and the others
    4. Many students when they are watched, they can get nervous and this could make them the learning more difficult
    In conclusion I think that cameras are a good idea but not in classrooms because it can became intimidating for some students so I don't agree with this and I think that it isn't necessary.
    By: Sara Maria Garcia Ocampo

  13. Today in the world the technology has improved a lot and this brought with him many new things some good and some bad, the CCTV is one of this new things but is good have this in all the places including classrooms? I think this is a bit dramatic.
    I disagree because the money spent in this can be used in more importants things and this can affect the normal conduct of the students.
    I think that the cameras not are the solution for have discipline in classrooms, and finally the students would go study under pressure because they know that all the think that they do will be recorded.
    I can conclude saying that it is not necessary to record everything that we do and that the classrooms not is the best place to do it.

    By:Milena Patiño Ocampo.

  14. In recent years, the cameras of security has become very important in whatever place because protect the people a thefts, but now the people want also implement the cameras of security in the some schools in london.
    I have the four opinions:
    1. Is a good idea for avoid te bullying between classmates.
    2. I think that is necesary in the some schools for protect both students as teachers because avoid many problems as frauds.
    3. would serve for avoid in the some schools the step of drugs between students.
    4. But also think that as the technology is a good idea, believe that improve the education and must be the first priority.
    In conclusion is a good idea but is not the better because believe that the first option is to teach the students not to do the frauds and that they do not have to be watched for cameras for behave the correct way.

  15. In recent years, as technology advances people has a better style of life, the security cameras has helped in many situations, for example in the thefts, these are cases that in now is very repetitive and the cameras are a tool fundamental for resolve these cases. Though from my opinion I believe that it isn’t necessary include security cameras in the classrooms.
    1. I think that having security cameras serving to control somethings, but I don’t believe that having cameras in the classrooms help us to have a handle on our discipline, because with this tool, we would feel self-conscious about doing things and working as robots, as squares and without being able to carry out other activities.
    2. I think that for control the bullying it isn’t necessary the used of cameras, for example they would implement other method as talks, help people who are suffering, forming them for a future and encouraging respect for others without cameras.
    3. Other opinion is that I don’t agree because in the future we are going to be in a university or in a work we won’t have a camera watching us, so we can learn to manage better without the need for that, because everyone decides whether or not they work and this is reflected in a future.
    4. Also I think that we are in a school need privacy and not always being watched.
    In conclusion I disagree, I think that don’t a good idea having security cameras in the classroom, I believe that we don’t need to be under surveillance to work well.

  16. In the last years, the human life has been affected by the technology in so many things. In the meaning of security, the security cameras are an advantage because it is a helper to the organizations (like FBI, CIA, police) and with it is more easy avoid the scape of criminals.
    In this context I think that the security cameras are good for the society, but if you put it inside the class room the students will be without privacy, and the authentic liberty will be violated. If this happen the way of learning change completely; but if you see it in other way, the discipline can be perfect and the problems inside the class room would end.
    In conclusion it can be and advantage or a disadvantage but depends of the situation of the class room.


  17. Now, technology became a means to help in some fields but in the security has been essential to solve cases using as evidence the videos recorded on the cameras. In the same way, happens in classrooms because in some cases teachers don´t have tests or authority to demonstrate that their students committed absences or other types of small offenses.
    For this, i totally agree with put cameras in classrooms, this because the teachers can be use videos to present what happen in class.
    Also, this action going to help to avoid and decrease bullying acts and the students who suffer from bullying and could be detect better than in other situations and it will upgrade relationships among partners.
    To finish, this help to prevent crime in the future. So if the students perform on time and place all their activities shouldn´t fear.

  18. Video cameras need to be in the classroom in order to protect the safety of both students and teachers. In today's society we have video cameras in lots of public spaces such as libraries, school buses, parks, beaches, public streets, etc. A public school is a public place just like any other public place so people are not entitled to privacy rights.
    1. A video recording could be the one thing that saves a teacher's job when there are false accusations.
    2. Video recording could protect a student who wants protection from a teacher who is abusing them.
    3. A video recording could ensure students are being protected from wrongdoing by other students.
    For people who are worried about the security of it, the camera data and controls could be kept in the Principal's office. For people complaining about privacy rights. In public property the right to privacy does not exist. If you don't like it you can either home-school or pay to go to a private school.

  19. In some schools of London, the asambly decided put cameras in the classroom, this idea can be good, but this have disadvantages that affect the students, for example the privacy of them.
    One advantages can be that the teachers has something for cheking against the bullyng between the students, also is very important the segurity because all the people can see what happend inside the classroom for example a thef, a fraud of student and damage of object, this help too improve the silence, the order and the academic performance.
    I think that the best idea is put cameras inside the classroom because can give benefits for the students, teachers and directives, too it helps us to have a culture.

  20. More than 100 London school install security cameras.
    London school install cameras in order to avoid many problems as violence, drugs and violation of rights of the students fights and robbers, this idea has been effective because in that schools have reduce the indicators of crime among the students and some teachers.
    The instalation of security cameras in London school has been a great idea, because it help to know more about the behavior of students and teachers an reduce the violence and drugs.

    By: Ana Isabella Ospina Castañeda

  21. I do not agree with the fact that security chambers are installed in classrooms of educational institutions for several reasons: as the first motive and most important is that we all have the right to privacy and the cameras would violate this fundamental right in the life of each person. My second reason is that classroom security cameras prevent both students and teachers from expressing themselves and charing freely, and this plays a very important role in the education process and as the last reason i desagree because it affects the free personaluty of the students.
    However, I believe that security cameras in a classroom could avord several problems such as bullying, agression between stydents and teachers, and so on. But if you are giving a very good education within the institution would be respecting the rigth to privacy of those who are part of the school and look for other ways to avoid intolerance.
    Not to the security cameras inside the clasdrooms!
    By: Ana Sofia Ossa G

  22. In the world every day put more cameras in the classrooms, only in London already they have been put more or less 10000 cameras, with the objective of reducing fraud and aggression which can occur when there is not a teacher in the classroom. From my point of view, in a public school would be necessary put a cameras, it would avoid the bullying both physical and verbal among students and also with the teachers, can will be improve the segurity of members of the institution, on the other hand I do not think are necessary cameras in private schools because the majority of the studients have been educated on values both for in the school and in the family, and this guarantee a better convivence in the school. Despite that conflicts among students the private school can will be generated, it is easier to solve these problems than in a public school. (I mean the schools in Colombia)

    By: Lisa Espinosa.

  23. Many headmasters of differents schools think that the security cameras must be installation in the rooms of the class, for watch to the childrens in class and se what they do. Altought in my opinion I desagree with this, because instead of promoting good values and education un freedom schools would look like a jail with the al cameras for all parts. In teje school ir develops the learning and socialization and this is inhibited for the presence of al security cameras. The students sometimes can be agressive and for this they want to put cameras, but for thing in the schools respect is taught and there are other forms for more effective to mantain the discipline and avoid with the students. I believe that with the security cameras the students could feel intimidated for this thing, since anything that is said or action to be done could be affect by differents reasons. Besides the teacher would not feel confident giving their classes for the opinions of his superiores.

    By: Catalina Fernandez.


    The technology often helps us for good but also for evil. In this situation i think that would invade the privacy of students, since they spend much of their time and would feel intimidated or vigilated over by their teachers.
    But in others situations, for example in schools where young people are in drugs or who have gone through jail is necessary for the security of the teachers or others students.
    In general i would like when there are stoles or some kind of injustice but not precisely in the classrooms because they would have to invest much money and some students wouldn't like it, but in other spaces where the school danger
    Alejandra Zapata

  25. In London most the 100 school have camera in the clasroom,the school realize the decition because for the camera realize the prevention of: bullyng, cheat, the students food in class and utilize cellphones and tecnology artefacts.

    The camera`s in the clasroom is the benefice to school because is prevention the problems, but is violacion the privace because the persons have law to free express and the cameras not permit to students have free in your form the expresion and is uncomfortable.



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